Day 14 Challenge – Help thru a Crisis

Crises – we all have them. Maybe due to a mistake we’ve made or maybe just things outside of our control falling apart. We find ourselves needing to dig ourselves out of a tough spot when we’re in a crisis.  I know I find myself there and value having someone to help me see and think clearly and not panic.

So today’s love challenge is to help someone through a crisis.



Day 6 Challenge – Honor the Forgotten

This morning I awoke to the sound of the trash collection truck coming down my street.  I ran out the door to quickly drag my trash can to the curb and was amazed at the speed and strength of this team of sanitation engineers. One of them grabbed my can and lifted it as if it were light and easy.  Although I was very late, he greeted me with a smile and ushered the trash can up my driveway and back to me as if he were a valet bringing my pristine Tesla to me.

These guys do this all day.

I got to thinking…these guys probably never hear thank you from the people they serve. There are a host of others who I would call ‘the forgotten’ who do things for me all the time – the receptionist, the janitor, the mailman, the police officer, and so on.

Today, I challenge myself to do something kind for one of the forgotten people in my life.

(I’m leaning toward a cupcake for the receptionist)
