Day 4 Challenge – Remember

remember-brainToday’s challenge was inspired by a message delivered today at Grace Covenant Church and is a way to internally express love.

It resonated deeply because I too believe that simply reflecting on the good things that have happened in the past has mental, physical and emotional benefits.  Chemicals are released in the body when we do good, witness others doing good, or reflect on good – chemicals like endorphins, the brain’s natural painkiller, oxytocin, which lowers blood pressure, and serotonin, which combats depression.

So today’s challenge is to pass out notecards to everyone in my household and have each person capture 4 things that went well this year.  We’ll consolidate them in a jar and add to the jar throughout the remainder of the year and then review them on New Year’s Eve.


Day 3 Challenge – Pick up the tab

giftYesterday a co-worker mentioned someone anonymously paid for her to have 20 smoothies (which happens to be her daily lunch).  I was floored by this person’s generosity.

In honor of this really kind gesture, I’m challenging myself to do copy it.

Today’s love challenge – buy a gift card and give it to a stranger.


I gotta admit – I have a little bit of experience with this one.  A few months ago, my daughter asked me to pay for the car behind me in the drive thru.  I reluctantly did it. Hours later at dinner my son shared that a stranger paid for his lunch that same day – miles away!





Day 1 Challenge – Thank You Cards


We just stuffed ourselves with turkey and all sorts of fixins. We were thankful for our lives but missed something pretty basic – saying THANK YOU to OTHERS.

There are so many very specific things that others have done for me and my family over this past month.

Today’s love challenge is to gather around that same dining room table we used to fill our bellies, and write thank you cards – me and the fam (and drop them in the mail soon after).

It’s the least we can do.



Maybe I’m naive, but…

…I actually think something unexplainable, even supernatural, happens when we simply choose to demonstrate love.

I’ve been on the receiving end of love and it leaves me with a sense of awe and feeling special – like the sun is just shining a little brighter.

I’ve been on the giving side of love and felt the warmth of knowing I helped someone with no expectation of anything in return.  It’s a feeling like nothing else – a job promotion or winning a prize can’t match it.  It’s a deep rooted satisfaction that only comes when I choose to just be loving.

I can’t help but believe that if we all did something loving – even something really small – everyday, we could literally change the world.

I maybe naive, but I’m willing to at least do my part and try.  Starting with me – one act of love, each day, for the next 21 days – beginning December 1, 2016.  That’s my promise to myself.

Love is patient. Love is kind. Love does not envy.  It does not boast. It is not rude. It is not self-seeking.  It is not easily angered. It keeps no record of wrongs.  It doesn’t rejoice in evil but rejoices in the truth.  It always hopes. Always trusts. Always perseveres.  Love never fails.