Screen Shot 2017-08-19 at 2.49.36 PMIt was early in the morning (before 6am) but I caught you!

At Dulles airport this morning, a man in a yellow jacket and white hat was traveling with what appeared to be a group of family members.  There was a little boy in the group who drove his suitcase right through a set of lane dividers, knocking down one of the posts.

The momma in me wanted to say, ‘boy come back and pick that up’ in a less than kind tone.

But the man in the yellow jacket did the kind thing – he let the little boy continue walking with the group and he picked the pole up himself (and didnt even follow up with a mean look at the little boy).

That was kind.

~ Observed a kind family member being patient and merciful to a child in Dulles, VA

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